Dica GMail : Como visualizar seus e-mail não lidos rapidamente
por Anônimo
If you’re like me, your inbox can get pretty cluttered with unread messages after being away from my computer for a day. Since I usemultiple inboxes to split my Gmail inbox into several smaller inboxes, I can have unread messages all over the place on a particularly busy day.
In this guide, I’ll show you how to turn a handy Gmail search query into a dedicated Unread Messages button.
Step One: In Gmail, go to Gmail Labs and enable Quick Links.
Be sure to click Save changes at the bottom of the page after you’ve clicked the Enable button.
Step Two: Type is:unread in the Gmail search bar and press enter. This search query will display any unread message in your inbox.
Step 3: Locate the new Quick Links box on the left sidebar of Gmail. Click Add Quick Link then give it a title.
That’s it! You will now have a handy button to instantly view your unread messages. This same technique can be applied to any Gmail search query to quickly view your messages.
Uma forma muito fácil e rápida de gerenciar os e-mails com certeza.
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